Applications close Sunday April 13, 2025 at 11:59pm.
Job Description 2025-2026
The mission of Residential Life is to facilitate student transitions into the intellectual and social communities of the University of California, Berkeley and to promote personal wellbeing and respect for the community needs of all residents. Residential Life’s vision reflects a commitment to the intentional creation of effective and innovative programs aimed to empower students with the skills to become engaged campus and global citizens, and active agents of social change. The Senior Resident Directors (SRD), Resident Directors (RD), and the Live-In Student Staff will accomplish this mission through a combination of community building activities, student empowerment programs, and personal conversations.
The Resident Faculty Resident Assistant (RFRA) is responsible for developing and maintaining an atmosphere that promotes residential communities through excellence in academic integration and personal development opportunities for students. As an employee of Residential Life, each RFRA will adhere to, administer, and enforce policies and procedures as outlined in the Residential Life Student Staff Manual, the Residential Code of Conduct, the UC Berkeley Campus Code of Conduct, University of California Personnel Policies and Procedures, and the University of California Policies applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students.
The RFRA’s role is to connect with the members of the residential community, as directed by the Residential Student Experience Model. The Residential Student Experience Model outlines the framework used by the residential staff that will engage students through one-on-one conversations, community meetings, and programs that target the needs of the community. The RFRA serves as a resource to both residents and staff while upholding the goals and policies of Residential Life. All responsibilities listed will be carried out under the supervision of the RD or SRD.
Ethics Statement
As a representative of the University of California, Berkeley and a member of the Residential Life staff, the Resident Faculty Resident Assistant is expected to respect the personal integrity of all community members and assure they be treated in a manner that is fundamentally fair. Staff should refrain from engaging in any behaviors, attitudes, relationships, or actions that:
- Would be considered harassment on the basis of gender, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, citizenship, age, and / or ability
- Would impinge on a resident’s or another staff member’s dignity, moral code, privacy, self‐worth, and academic, physical, psychological, and / or emotional well‐being
- Would seek unjustified personal gains, unfair advantage, unearned goods or services
Terms of Contract
This is a part-time (19-hours per week) contract appointment, with a maximum duration of 1 year. This position is not renewable, however Resident Faculty Resident Assistants will have the opportunity to apply for this position the following academic year.
Essential Duties
Resident Faculty Program Implementation (10%)
- Participate in the development of programs that support Resident Faculty programming goals and provide an opportunity for residents to develop and explore their academic identities
- Work closely with RDs, SRDs, and Resident Faculty who oversee assigned RF programs, attending planning meetings, communicating often over email, and carrying out independent tasks when assigned
- Provide day-of support for assigned Resident Faculty programs and events located in building of residence, ensuring building access to program participants and offering building materials and resources, if needed
- Demonstrate an ability to engage all residents who participate in Resident Faculty programs
- Support and promote all events held by the Resident Faculty program, including weekly announcements in Hall Staff meetings
Community Development (15%)
- Be visible and available on the floor or building in order to understand the needs of the residential community and encourage the personal, social, and academic development of students
- Throughout the semester, conduct bear chats with residents, as required by the Residential Student Experience Model under the supervision of the RD or SRD
- Encourage personal, social, and academic development of residents by spending a significant amount of time getting to know students,
- Be available to assist students, implement activities, plan strategies, community chats, etc.,
- Support and encourage residents in the development and continued engagement in an effective Hall Association. This may include but is not limited to: recruitment of residents for Hall Association, promotion of the election process, and attendance at some Hall Association meetings and events
- Provide academic, personal support and referrals and demonstrate knowledge of campus resources
- Work cooperatively and take initiative in engaging with students in the living environment to reflect a community that displays respect for the rights and privacy of others and promotes consideration of individual needs.
- Cultivate an inclusive environment in which the entire residence hall can interact and contribute to the living community
- Model ethical behavior through personal and academic pursuits and adhere to all residence hall policies
- Demonstrate appreciation of differences and assist students in developing an understanding of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles
- Respect and treat all individuals fairly and equitably by being open and understanding of all religious identities, abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, cultural & ethnic identities, and citizenship status
Residential Student Experience Model Implementation & Engagement (15%)
- Demonstrate an understanding of the Residential Student Experience Model learning goals and outcomes.
- Implement community programs as directed by the Residential Student Experience Model and the RD or SRD. Examples of these programs include but are not limited to: Community Meetings, Bear Chats, Community Activities and Bulletin Boards. Support, promote, and attend Unit, System-wide, and Campus programs as required by the Residential Student Experience Model under the supervision of the RD or SRD. Complete all program assessment tools as directed by both the Residential Student Experience Model and the RD or SRD for the purpose of tracking and assessing all programs
- Support programs organized by the Residence Hall Assembly (RHA) and Hall Association under the advisement of the SRAs and RD or SRDs
- Support and promote programs offered by Health Workers, Resident Faculty, Theme Programs, and other departments
- Use of Virtual engagement for job related responsibilities must be approved in advance by the Resident Director or Senior Resident Director
Golden Bear Orientation, Welcoming, & Closing Responsibilities (5%)
- Participation in the preparation for and implementation of opening / closing of the halls during Fall and Spring Semester which may include, but is not limited to: inspection of resident rooms and inventories, occupancy checks, administrative, programmatic, logistical, and physical preparation of floors / suites, hall / area, and unit
- Facilitate welcome meetings and programs both during and following Golden Bear Orientation (GBO) to assist students in connecting to resources in residence and across campus. Can and may be required to be conducted virtually over Zoom or Google Hangout.
- During move-in and GBO, work in partnership with Orientation Mentors and Leaders to ensure that students are engaged and connected to all GBO programs and events
- Identify any students in need of additional support and resources during GBO and work with supervisor (RD) and the GBO staff to help connect the students
- Foster a sense of belonging and connection to the UC Berkeley community as students transition to campus and throughout the academic year
- Assist with and be present for the implementation of Cal Day as directed
Safety & Risk Management Responsibilities (40%)
- Follow and respond to all emergency procedures as directed by the RD or SRD or outlined in the Hall Staff Manual, and potentially after consultation with RD on Duty for response on site as necessary
- Act as a mediator in conflict situations when needed (i.e. roommate, noise, etc.)
- Respond to community concerns. Document the incident(s) within 12 hours of it occurring while following all protocols and procedures
- Confront and respond to student behavior that is inappropriate and / or is in violation of campus policies and procedures (i.e. behavior that endangers the health and safety of residents)
- Perform regularly scheduled duty shifts. The amount of duty varies between communities and is discussed at the beginning of the academic year, with approximately 6-10 shifts per month.
- Hall Staff must provide coverage during some academic and administrative holidays, including, but not limited to, Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Break. Below you will find general standards of duty shifts, however, these times may slightly shift depending on the community you are assigned to
- Weekday Night duty begins at 7:30pm and ends the following day at 8:00am
- Weekend Night duty begins at 7:30pm and ends the following day at 9:00am
- Day Duty shifts begin Saturdays at 2:30pm and Sundays at 9:00am Day Duty shifts end at 7:30pm. This also can include weekday Holiday duty beginning at 9am and ends at 7:30pm
- Duty includes, but is not limited to, performing community walks, addressing policy violations, responding to emergencies, and checking in with the security monitor desk when necessary
- Disseminate and communicate all announcements and policies as directed by the RD or SRD on behalf of Residential Life and UC Berkeley to the residential community
- Hall Staff may be expected to provide additional support and staffing during times of emergency management and crisis response as needed
- Due to ongoing public health concerns, rounds and some other duty related responsibilities may be modified accordingly. As public health guidance changes our protocols may shift in order to respond to current best practices.
- Assist professional staff on duty coordinating response and support for residents in need of isolation or temporary space
- Execute ongoing fire watch area monitoring in emergency situations at the instruction of the supervising Senior/Resident Director or Senior/ Resident Director on Call.
Administrative Responsibilities (10%)
- Complete administrative tasks in a timely and efficient manner
- Attend regular one-on-one meetings with the RD or SRD
- Ensure that the RD or SRD is informed and updated on all aspects of your work as an RA. This entails making through phone and / or email contact and meeting regularly with the RD or SRD to share job-related information, give / receive constructive feedback, and develop job-related skills
- Attend and actively participate in fall and spring student staff training sessions, and all scheduled in-service training
- RAs must be available every Tuesday from 7-9pm for weekly hall staff / unit meetings. Meetings may be conducted virtually. Academic conflicts (i.e. a class, with academic verification, etc) need to be submitted through the hall staff accommodation request process.
- Participate in all individual, staff, and group evaluation processes
- Participate in the hall staff recruitment and hiring process (i.e., panel and group interviews)
Additional Duties (5%)
- Complete additional duties (i.e. Of The Months, Emergency Preparedness and Response, community collaterals: hall staff council, custodial appreciation, Resident Faculty program, etc.) as assigned to meet the evolving needs of the residential community
- Relate student concerns relating to Residential Life to the appropriate units of the Dean of Students and RSSP (i.e. RD, AD, Dining Manager, Facilities Manager, etc.).
- Perform other duties as assigned by the RD or SRD and the administrative staff of Residential Life.
- Check and respond to emails from supervisor and ResLife team during the summer months (June-August)
- Resident Faculty Resident Assistants are expected to model ethical behavior for all residence hall policies and procedures. Failure to demonstrate ethical behavior may result in personnel action up to and including dismissal
- Maintain positive working relationships with other hall staff, as well as staff of the Dean of Students Office and partners at Residential & Student Services Programs
- Follow expectations when communicating / engaging with residents in person, in writing and / or social media as outlined in this job agreement, the Residential Life Student Staff Manual, the Residential Code of Conduct and the UC Berkeley Campus Code of Conduct
- Report maintenance issues or concerns in a timely fashion in order to maintain the physical condition of the residence halls. Provide immediate follow-up on reported problems
- Be responsible with special staff privileges (i.e. use of office, phones, keys, office equipment, etc.)
- Maintain confidentiality and objectivity in all matters related to students and staff
- Perform other duties as assigned by the RD or SRD and the administrative staff of the Dean of Students Office and partners at Residential & Student Services Programs
- Share feedback with peers and RD or SRD that is appropriate, constructive and solution oriented
- Share feedback, needs, and / or concerns at an appropriate time and place as outlined by Residential Life
- Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability when navigating changes and transitions within Residential Life
- Maintain positive working relationships with fellow hall staff, professional staff, and community partners
- Communicate and demonstrate an ability to hold self, peers, professional staff accountable that contributes to a solution based resolution
- Provide assistance and response to Emergencies that arise in the Residential Communities as they occur
- Adequately able to balance academic demands and other commitments with the duties and responsibilities of the hall staff position that contribute to the success of the team dynamic
Key & Access Control Policy for Hall Staff
- Hall Staff member’s job responsibilities will at times require the use of Master Keys, Staff-Issued Keys, Staff-Issued Fobs, and access via Cal1Card and / or access code. Master keys should only be used for lockouts, work-related room entry, and emergency situations. Staff keys & fobs should only be used for the work-related tasks they were intended for such as room entry and detex alarm management. Master keys and staff-issued keys & fobs should never be taken out of the Residential Unit, and should be kept secure and on your person while out of the LoxTop Box or the staff member’s assigned residential room
- Hall Staff will not give any person, including other Hall Staff, access to keys from the LoxTop Box or the LoxTop Box itself. Each Hall Staff member must individually tap into the LoxTop Box to retrieve or return keys, as each key set is tied to their Cal1Card and access code. Hall Staff should not transfer key sets from one person to another person for any reason without approval of the Administrator on Call via calling the Resident Director on Duty
- Failure to comply with this policy will result in the engagement of the Performance Management process
- Undergraduate student possessing a minimum 2.300 cumulative GPA and good standing with the University at the start of position and throughout the period of employment. Please note that GPA does not round up, any GPA below a 2.300 (2.299 or below) will make you ineligible for this position
- Full-time academic status (minimum of 12-13 units per semester) during the period of employment
- Must already be employed as a Resident Assistant at University of California-Berkeley
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Ability to facilitate community among individuals
- Understanding or willingness to learn about the principles of an inclusive, socially-just community
- Minimum of one year residence in a college or university residence hall, or a similar group living experience such as a fraternity / sorority house, co-op, or theme program prior to term of employment
- Experience in academic program or event planning in Residential Life, a similar group living experience, or an extra-curricular organization, such as an internship or club
- Meets residency requirements and demonstrates academic interest in the Resident Faculty program
Terms of Employment
- This position will be compensated at a rate of $18.67/hr and is expected to work 3 hours per week during the duration of employment
- Abide by all Housing and Residential Policies as outlined by the Residential and Campus Code of Conduct. Failure to abide by these policies may result in personnel action up to and including dismissal
- Maintain the required 2.300 minimum GPA throughout the term of employment. RFRAs must submit a copy of an official grade report to Residential Life.
- Maintain full-time academic status (12-13 units per semester) throughout the term of employment. Exceptions must have prior approval of the RD or SRD and Assistant Director
- The period of employment for this live-in position commences with the start of student staff training (see below for details) and concludes Sunday, May 17th, 2026 with the closing of the residence halls
- Active participation in Fall and Spring Training. Please note we are including the earliest possible training start dates. Any changes to training dates will be communicated in advance
- Blue Hall Staff Fall Training will begin, as early as Monday, August 4th, 2025.
- Gold Hall Staff Fall Training will begin, as early as, on Monday, August 11th, 2025.
- Spring Training for all staff begins as early as Monday, January 12th, 2026.
- Active participation in all ongoing system-wide and area staff continued training programs is mandatory for all student staff
- RFRAs are expected to work during some evenings, weekends and holidays. This includes providing the hall coverage during vacation and holiday periods (which may include Thanksgiving and Spring Break, among others). A commitment of approximately 19 hours / week is expected (some weeks may be more, whereas others may be less, depending on time of year, events, issues in the hall, etc.), which includes but is not limited to, engaging with residents, required meetings, duty coverage, program implementation and attendance, being visible and available to residents, and addressing the specific needs of the community
- Assist with and be present for the implementation of Cal Day and Hall Association Executive Events
- All extended hall absences (more than 24 hours) must be arranged in advance with the RD or SRD. Absences will not be approved the first and last two weeks of each semester
- RFRAs are restricted to no more than fifteen hours of outside commitments (i.e. running for ASUC, club participation, additional employment, both on and off campus). Exceptions must be discussed and approved in advance by the RD or SRD
- Continued employment is contingent upon a satisfactory job performance evaluation by the supervisor. Satisfactory job performance evaluation is defined as meeting expectations as defined by the job evaluation in all areas of the job description. Failure to meet expectations on two different evaluation periods may result in release from your employment
- RFRA positions are for the academic year. Candidates who wish to continue during the subsequent summer or academic year must apply through the designated process
- Resident Faculty Resident Assistants who display psychological behavior which raises concerns about fitness for the position may be required to complete an assessment of fitness and ability in order to continue in the position
- Resident Faculty Resident Assistants will receive a room and board during the period of employment as compensation
- Resident Faculty Resident Assistants will receive additional paid compensation of three hours per week at the minimum wage rate of $18.67/hour for Resident Faculty responsibilities
- Living arrangements may range from a single room in traditional residence halls, a single room in a suite or an apartment, or a shared apartment space, depending on the departmental need
- Resident Faculty Resident Assistants will receive a meal plan. Unused points after the vacancy of the position will not be transferred to the student
Background Check Requirement
This position is subject to a criminal background check. This position meets the following background check criteria:
- Possession of building master or sub-master key access to residences and certain other facilities
- Works in a safe and responsible manner while not putting self or others at risk. This includes complying with applicable policies and regulations; using personal safety gear; observing warning signs; learning about potential hazards; and reporting unsafe conditions
Nondiscrimination Policy Statement for University of California
The University of California, in accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services. The University also prohibits sexual harassment. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access, and treatment in University programs and activities.
Inquiries regarding the University’s student-related nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Director of the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD). Email:, or telephone: 510 643-7985. Complaints of discrimination should be directed to OPHD, as above.
Student-related discrimination complaints can also be brought to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, San Francisco Regional Office, 50 United Nations Plaza, Mail Box 1200, Room 1545, San Francisco, CA 94102, Email: sends e-mail); Telephone: 415-486-5555, FAX: 415-486-5570; TDD: 800-877-8339
*/IIPP Requirements/*
Provides health and safety training, guidance on safe work practices, provides proper equipment, observes work practices and correct methods, and investigates accidents. Works in a safe and responsible manner while not putting self or others at risk. This includes complying with applicable policies and regulations; using personal safety gear; observing warning signs; learning about potential hazards; and reporting unsafe conditions.