The African American Theme Program (AATP): Living & Learning Amongst the African Diaspora
In partnership with the African American Student Development Office (AASD), the African American Theme Program (AATP) provides a community for students to exist in Black-affirming spaces at Cal while building community and learning from Black/African theorists, scholars and organizers. A live-in Theme Program Resident Assistant (TPRA) provides resources and support for residents’ social and academic needs. Our academic seminar (AAS194), programs, community service projects, and resources encourage solidarity and unity among Black students and their allies of all backgrounds – cultivating a broader understanding of social issues within the global African diasporic context. Residents and interested community members are encouraged to openly discuss specific issues related to the African diaspora in the University community, the country, and the world. Students will gain leadership skills, learn to better understand one another, build CommUNITY that can last a lifetime, and have fun!
Program Requirements
AATP residents are expected to spend 2–4 hours a week engaged in and actively participate in theme program activities, including:
- A yearlong (fall and spring) seminar course, African American Studies 194A/B. The mandatory seminar is a 2-unit/semester, graded class that meets on Wednesdays from 5-7PM. If you’re admitted to AATP, you will be given more information about how to enroll in the class.
- Participation in Senior Weekend Activities during the Spring Semester
- AATP Fall Weekend Retreat (Dates TBA)
- Regular AATP floor meetings, as organized by the Theme Program Resident Assistants (TPRAs).
- Theme program signature events and events sponsored by the African American Student Development Office including Black Student Orientation (August) Kwanzaa Celebration (December) & Open House (Spring)
Signature Events & Programming
Events include a wide variety of interaction with fellow students, staff, and faculty through various community activities. AATP runs a number of signature events such as Senior Weekend, Open House and Kwanzaa. Members of the floor also engage in several programs including Community Engagement/Service Programs, Battle of the Floors, Research Projects and more. Through the AAS194A/B Seminar, students will have assignments, readings and engage with Black/African Diasporic theory and modalities of learning.
Living Space
AATP residents live together in mini-suites in Christian Hall, Unit 1, which is situated in South Berkeley, one block from campus and a few blocks away from the bustle of Telegraph Avenue. For more information about Unit 1, including amenities and features, academic services, and more, please visit Housing.